Doctor Who Blog

Look up, the Christmas Invasion is coming!

The Christmas Invasion3.JPG

It might be a little too early (and hot outside) to be thinking about Christmas, but the my appetite for it is now truly whetted!

View image”>Click here for a more spoiler-ish photo!

View image”>Click here for another spoiler-ish photo!


The question is are they holding hands already this early after the regeneration or is it just the camera angle? The hand-holding so soon would seem to go against the idea that Rose needs time getting used to the change. Is it just that the Doctor has his hands in his pockets (I’ve seen photos that suggest he does that a lot) and the camera angle makes it look like Rose’s hands are interwined with his?

Posted by Ryan  on  07/28  at  04:53 PM

They are holding hands. There are other photos from the same batch I grabbed this one from where you can see it even more clearly.

Posted by Luca  on  07/28  at  04:55 PM

A look at the other photos indicates that there are scenes with Tennant on the estate in his predecessor’s costume, which would suggest that the hand-holding are from the *end* of the adventure, perhaps, not the start.

Posted by Graeme  on  07/28  at  06:00 PM

yes, there are other photos showing Tennant in the leather jacket… but I don’t see why that means they are holding hands at the end of the episode.

Looking at these new photos, it seems that Billie smokes! who 2707&session_id=733dd2bba5f4f403b80b084b265714a8

Posted by John  on  07/28  at  07:46 PM

The question was why would they be holding hands in a story which has already talked about in pre-publicity how Rose is freaked about the Doctor changing. I was just saying that they could be images from toward the end of the episode, since presumably the pictures of him in his predecessor’s clothes come at the start.

Posted by Graeme  on  07/28  at  08:11 PM

Well, it makes sense not to bog down the season early by delaying Rose’s acceptance of No. 10 so her getting over it by the end of the first adventure seems reasonable… presuming they aren’t filming out of sequence and doing more than one story at once.

I’d be more concerned that they’re going to develop the love interest thing still further. Holding hands is a bit of a stretch, I know, to full blown love interest, but I always ALWAYS prefered the Doctor as a teacher and companion as student or bewildered hanger-on. On top of that, what would happen to the series if/when Billie leaves? Harder to just keep going when your major relationship just dies. The Doctor NEEDS to be a little distant….

Posted by Allan Spears  on  07/29  at  12:59 AM

Curious, I found it oddly comforting to see them holding hands—like a piece of Eccleston was still there…

Posted by Scott  on  07/29  at  01:35 PM

me too.  the emotional depth of the new series is its best feature.  was the series always dramatically ‘serious’?

Posted by jim  on  07/29  at  10:00 PM

Don’t get me wrong, I love emotional depth in the series. I just don’t think that having the Doctor get involved with any one companion is a particularly good long term plot goal.

The brilliance of Doctor Who, and why it’s been around so long, is that it can remain true to its original concept while still developing as an overall story. If the Doctor and Rose get something going together, well…I could be wrong I suppose, but it would probably just turn a bit too soap-opera ish for me.

Posted by Allan Spears  on  07/30  at  03:54 PM

I think the fact that the Doctor and Rose did have a very close relationship was one of the best things about the first season.

jim, the old series was dramatically serious sometimes. Sometimes it wasn’t. I’d say the old series did not concentrate so much on character as the new one does, altho they did start to do a bit of character development with Ace.

Posted by John  on  08/02  at  03:51 AM

thanks for the tip, john.  not sure who ace is, but that’s what google’s for…  i guess my real question is, when the old series went for dramatic depth, did it fly?  i was just a kid, but i seem to remember alot of cardboard characterization in the baker/davidson days (don’t hate me for saying so—i’m a convert!), whereas the new series puts ‘prestige drama’ like the west wing or the oc to shame…

Posted by jim  on  08/03  at  04:58 AM

I’d say that, in some ways, the (Pertwee) Doctor’s relationship with Jo Grant was similar in depth (if not in form) to the Doctor’s relationship with Rose, though the former was a lot more subtle. Although it was more paternal, Jo’s last story showed an interesting side to her feelings for the Doctor when she fell for a young scientist who was a lot like Pertwee’s Doc in temperment and personality. The Doctor’s attempts to stifle his jealousy as he felt her draw away from him and towards the new guy was also pretty suggestive. And yet, it was all done subtly, so if you weren’t paying attention, you could miss it. The thing about the relationship between the Doctor and Rose is it’s lack of subtlty. I’m saying this as someone who really liked the first new season….but subtle is one thing it ain’t. grin

We could also talk about Hartnell’s Doctor and his general paternal feelings towards his companions, some of which was expressed very emotionally. (That scene where he’s alone in the TARDIS at the end of…“The War Machines,” I think it was, is a pretty good example.)

So yeah, there was characterization in the old series. grin

Posted by Jonathan Miller  on  08/04  at  05:22 AM

As you say there are a few moments from the old show that allow characters to reflect, but they are just a few moments. On the whole the characterization in the new series is much more rich and interesting than it was in the old show.

Posted by John  on  08/04  at  09:32 PM

I find it curious that good characterization has to go hand in hand with a blatant love interest relationship. I agree with Jonathan Miller that the new progam isn’t exactly subtle about its characterization of the Doctor/Rose thing.

I honestly hope they put a little more ambiguity back into it. Who knows where it’ll go though. I’m still pleased to bits with the new series. I’d just hate to see them write themselves into a corner or at the very least into a sizable problem.

Posted by Allan Spears  on  08/07  at  07:42 PM

I just wanted to add that I think Pat Troughton did a pretty good job of putting emotional depth into the role during his time as the Doctor without any love interest with his companions. The War Games is one of my all time favorite Doctor Who stories for this reason.

Posted by Allan Spears  on  08/07  at  07:47 PM

i’m not familiar w/ the ‘classic’ series, so i can only compare the eccleston series to other shows, but i think the doctor-rose rel’ship is rather sophisticated & nuanced.  they clearly have a rel’ship that isn’t based only on romance, but also on a father-daughter dynamic, as well as basic, mutual respect & admiration. 

i never for a moment wondered if the doctor & rose’d ‘get together;’ it isn’t that kind of rel’ship at all, to my mind.  rather, romantic/sexual love is only one of a number of aspects of rose & the doctor’s feelings for each other.  (an aspect the show directly addresses even as the principals work through their feelings.)  for me, that’s one of the things that makes the rel’ship & the show so real: it has dimension, it has depth. 

i’m not sure to what degree this kind of dynamic is innovative for ‘doctor who,’ but i can’t think of another show on now w/ such strong characterization & performances.

Posted by jim  on  08/08  at  03:26 AM

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